After Death Communication & Grief Support Blog








Music for Grief and Loss after death communication evidential medium love between worlds spiritual counseling

The death of a loved one may be the hardest experience you’ll ever face. If you’re new to the grief that comes along with living after a loss, it can be very challenging to navigate the unexpected feelings and emotions that come in waves.


It can also feel very lonely when you’re grieving, and others around you who haven’t experienced a loss like yours may not understand. You may also get a blank stare or silence from others when you express your grief, making it...

What is an Evidential Medium? after death communication evidential medium love between worlds spiritual counseling


A medium is someone who can communicate with the spirit world. There are several ways in which a medium can serve. This article will explore what mediums do and how they can support you on your journey with grief. 

The “evidential” part of the phrase means that the medium utilizes intuitive senses to connect and with the spirit world, and bring forth information from the transitioned loved one that there's no way the medium would have known.  During an evidential...

What to Expect During an Evidential Medium Reading after death communication evidential medium love between worlds spiritual counseling


The Healing Power of Mediumship

If you've experienced the death of a loved one, it is natural to want to know that they are ok and that you're still connected to them.  When my daughter died unexpectedly, nothing was more important to me than maintaining a connection with her.

My personal journey led me to understanding how healing mediumship really is, and that it is something sacred rather than something to be scared of.  I offer evidential mediumship readings to...

Dream Visits From The Other Side after death communication evidential medium love between worlds spiritual counseling

Dream Visits From the Other Side


Are my loved ones on the other side visiting me in dreams?

I’m often asked if dreams of our loved ones on the other side are visits from them. Some of our dreams are visits from loved ones, and some are not. Here’s how to tell the difference.


When a loved one visits through a dream

When a loved one from the other side is visiting you through a dream, the dream will feel vivid and real. It will also seem like you are really with your...

Grief Never Ends, But It Changes after death communication evidential medium love between worlds spiritual counseling

How long does grief take?

The journey with grief is not the same for everyone, and there is no measurement of time for how you experience it because your physical loss is something that you carry the rest of your life to some degree. 

If you’re grieving the death of a loved one, you may find that others gauge how long they think it should take for the grieving process. Society thinks of loss as something you have to “move on” from or “get over.” They expect...

What is Evidential Mediumship? after death communication evidential medium love between worlds spiritual counseling spiritual healing

“Mediumship” is becoming more commonly used and accepted, yet many people still don’t know what it means. In this post, I’ll share some insights about mediumship, starting with what a medium is.

What is a Medium?

A “medium” is someone who can communicate with the spirit world. Some mediums specialize in communicating with the spirits of those who have transitioned to the spirit plane (died), and can share messages with their living loved ones. Some mediums...

Grief During the Holidays after death communication evidential medium spirit communication spiritual healing

If you’re grieving the death of a loved one, the holiday season will most likely have a different feeling around it than it used to. You may find it challenging to face the holidays without your loved one physically with you.

I hope this article will give you a greater sense of peace and love this holiday season.

This topic is very personal to me. I remember the first Thanksgiving after my only child died unexpectedly, followed by the unexpected death of my mother just three weeks...

Five Core Elements of How to Connect with Your Loved Ones on the Other Side after death communication evidential medium love between worlds spiritual counseling

I'm deep in the midst of writing my new book, a guide to help people connect with their loved ones on the Other Side, and I'm filled with so much joy and gratitude that I can't wait to share it. I envision all the readers that will find comfort, healing, and connection through the teachings and practices inside.

I’m compelled to publish some articles around the core elements of the book, beginning with this one. I hope you find some inspiration and encouragement in reading it.

