Energy Medicine & Shamanic Healing



Reconnect with Your Divinity, Restore Your Power, & Receive Clarity with the Oldest Known Healing Modality


Energy Medicine & Shamanic Healing


Shamanic Healing or Energy Medicine occurs on the soul or spirit level. This is the level where root issues occur, and medicine women and men focus on first to heal issues at the root. In healing the root issue at the level of spirit, the healing has the capacity to positively influence the improvement of the mental, emotional, and physical bodies.

Medicine women and men (also known as shamans) utilize sacred tools and practice that have been relied upon by people and cultures worldwide for at least 40,000+ years for healing, guidance, empowerment, and protection. 

The utilization of these sacred techniques and tools is often referred to as shamanism. Shamanism is not a religion, nor is it dogmatic. While each nation around the world has their own cultural influence on these practices, there are several core techniques that are universal, including Shamanic Journeying, Soul Retrieval, Power Animal Retrieval, Extraction, and Psychopomp (supporting souls who've departed the Earth plane).

Shamanic Healing Practitioners work with their compassionate helping spirits and yours to receive clarity about root issues, guidance for transforming them, and spiritual power to rebalance and revitalize life force energy, all in relation to the client's highest good.

Healing does not mean "curing". Healing is working with the intention of both the practitioner and the client to transform the state of energy for the person's highest good. You, the client, are part of the experience and transformation, and your intention for your session is key.

Participating in a virtual or in-person session with me can help you:

  • Feel more at peace
  • Process and release difficult or stuck emotions or trauma
  • Improve sleep
  • Restore your energy
  • Revitalize health and well-being
  • Find a greater sense of clarity
  • Make empowering life decisions
  • Transform self-limiting/sabotaging beliefs and habits
  • Function in daily tasks and work
  • Be more present in your relationships
  • Experience a greater sense of balance and purpose in life
  • And more
Energy Healing

Kim Coots: Master Energy Medicine Practitioner

I have personally utilized Shamanic Healing since 2003. Shamanic Healing has been the most powerful and transformational modality that has helped me to process and heal the effects of trauma and corporate burn-out, and the immense grief of experiencing the deaths of my only child, mothers and friends. 

I have studied with some of the most well-respected and renowned Shamans and experts, including Michael Harner's foundation, Sandra Ingerman and The Four Winds Society. I received my Master Energy Medicine Practitioner Certification after studying extensively with Dr. Alberto Villoldo, where I was initiated into a long lineage of the Shamans of Peru and the Amazon. I've also studied Native American, Celtic, and Egyptian Shamanism.


How it Works

When you book a virtual session with me, you’ll receive a Zoom link to join me virtually at your scheduled appointment time. You’ll need to be in a quiet location where you’ll be undisturbed, and have access to internet and audio. 

If you're booking a single session, please come with one intention (what you'd like support with) for your session. I'll begin by asking you about your intention for the session, and then invite you to relax while I conduct your session. You can lay down or sit comfortably with eyes open or closed. I will talk with you during your session, and utilize one or more Shamanic Healing modalities, based on the guidance I receive. I'll also suggest healing exercises for you to practice after your session for continued support. Sessions are approximately 90 minutes.

Virtual sessions are just as powerful as in-person sessions too!

If you are local to me in Michigan and would like to request an in-person session, please book your session and email [email protected] for additional information.

Note: sessions are available to my private mentorship clients as well, and I often have a waiting list for single session requests. If you cannot find an available session day/time when booking, please email [email protected] for expected availability or to inquire about Private Mentorship options.

Book A Single Session

Sessions are conducted virtually via Zoom (free video conferencing). You’ll receive a confirmation email with the Zoom link access info upon booking your session. Note: if you are local in SE Michigan and would like to request an in-person session, email [email protected] to check for in-person availability options.

Investment: $297 USD


"Kimberly - I've never had anyone personally guiding me & helping me along the way like you do.  You are very inspiring & motivating!  I love the non-judgmental atmosphere you have.  It feels so good to take this time for myself & my health.  I already feel stronger! Much love." 

- Gin 

“My time with Kim has been nothing less than phenomenal. Kim has beautiful gifts to share and incredible intuition. I felt very comfortable and completely trusted the process due to her loving and healing divine light. I would highly recommend working with Kim. It is an experience you will not forget and will help carry you the distance on your life journey.”

– Kelly W. 

Disclaimer: Services and products offered by Kim Coots are not medical care; they do not diagnose, cure, or prescribe medical care; they offer no guarantees, and are not a replacement for medical care. If you require medical or mental health care, please see a licensed medical practitioner.